Saxophone Cookies

You remember the peanut butter cake, right? Well, these saxophone cookies were for the same party. As I mentioned, my favorite baritone saxophone player had a birthday and in addition to the cake, I wanted to treat him to saxophone cookies, he’s kinda hard-core about music.

A moody saxophone cookie

I have to confess that I am an impatient baker so rolling and cutting out cookies isn’t exactly my preferred baking technique but these cookies were too irresistible. I ordered the cookie cutters from the States and I was pleased that they arrived in time for the birthday extravaganza. With little experience in sugar cookie making I headed out to my favorite blogs and settled on Peabody’s sugar cookie recipe. I used a lemon icing which of course we tinted yellow, brass coloured was a bit too much to hope for;)


Saxophones for Shirantha

A special thanks to my mom, my niece, Kristin and Teresa for helping out with the cookies. They were truly a collaborative endeavor.

2 responses to “Saxophone Cookies

  1. The cake and cookies look great. What a baker

  2. Those are super cute.

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