Tag Archives: cheesecake

Low and Lush Cheesecake TWD

Well, I am just squeaking this one in. I realize that it isn’t Tuesday but there was this little comment that you could post this recipe during the week of the 28th, so here it is a few days late. The Tea Lady of Tea and Scones (what a great blog name eh?) picked this week’s recipe. I don’t recall ever making a cheesecake so this was a new one for me. I made it for New Year’s Eve, which S. and I spent in Waterloo with Pam and co. We played Rock Band and ate tons of food; it was a great way to ring in the new decade.

Low and Lush  Chocolate Cheesecake

Cheesecake in the snow

I think the cheesecake was a hit. It was pretty rich and we had been eating all night so people didn’t eat tons of it. I had one bite. I am not a chocolate cheesecake person so one was enough for me. Despite this, I was pleased with how it turned out, I think the low part made it much easier to tell that it was done. Next time I would like to try a vanilla cheesecake, now that’s something I can get behind.

Espresso Cheesecake brownies TWD

So those of you who follow our little blog regularly would know that Claire usually always makes the brownies. This has never been done purposely but that’s the way it has worked out. I decided it was high time that I take on a Dorie brownie and seriously, chocolate, cream cheese and coffee, what’s not to love about this?

I made some September resolutions. (I work in a college so to me the beginning of the year is actually September, plus it seems like maybe it’s easier to keep September resolutions as compared to New Year’s ones).  These include making my coffee at home (cheaper and tastier), making more dinners (cheaper and tastier) and baking my TWD any day other than Tuesday night (perhaps cheaper and tastier, certainly less rushed). So this weekend I was in Waterloo, hanging with the girls and (and Chris) and I figured it was the perfect chance to start my resolutions.

 Espresso Cheesecake Brownie in Pam's backyard

Espresso Cheesecake Brownie in Pam's backyard

These brownies were a resounding success. We had a “no-coffee” drinker and a “not a big sweets” guy and they both dug these brownies.  I loved them, I think cream cheese brownies are my favorite and the mocha flavor rocked. We decided not to put the sour cream glaze on because a) Kristin does not like sour cream and b) we just wanted to eat them ASAP. Thanks so much to Melissa of Life in a Peanut Shell for picking this recipe. Head on over to her blog to get the recipe and to drool over her amazing looking treats. To see how other TWD bakers rocked out the brownies go Tuesdays With Dorie, no doubt you will find a new blog to follow.