Tag Archives: ice cream

Vanilla Ice Cream

Well, I was supposed to make vanilla ice cream for Tuesdays with Dorie. However, being as I am a newbie to this ice cream thing I didn’t realize I needed to pre-freeze the ice cream maker. So since today is my dad’s birthday I decided I would make it two days late, I am such a rebel I know. Check out Lynne over at Cafe Lynnylu for the recipe. I served the ice cream with mini pavlovas, pictured below is plain vanilla and I also made stracciatella.

Vanilla ice cream on mini pavlovas

Vanilla ice cream on mini pavlovas

So I followed the instructions minus the temperature reading part (I am currently at my parents house and they don’t have a thermometer). I have to say I didn’t really like it, sorry Dorie. I don’t know if it was knowing the indgredients or what but it wasn’t doing it for me so I didn’t eat it. My dad seemed to like it ok, but he thought it could use more vanilla. Claire is coming home this weekend so she can try it and let me know what she thinks. I don’t think I will be making ice cream again, frozen yogurt perhaps but to quote a friend “ice cream may be best left to the experts.”